Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Wherryman's Way

Inspired by the Humpty Dumpty brewery and the book launch of Steve Silk's new book entitled The Wherryman's Way, June and I set off from Norwich Station on Sunday morning. Twenty miles later and some very sore feet into the bargain we arrived in Loddon but sadly I'd managed to book a B&B which was miles from the footpath. Darren came to the rescue and drove us the last couple of miles to the B&B. He even picked us up again that evening - fed us on a 'The Pigs ( Holt)' style menu and returned us to our lodging - what an absolute star.

The next day was the walk from Loddon to Great Yarmouth. It went really well except for the rain drenched 4 miles from Reedham to the Berney Arms. Luckily they were still serving food so we were able to fuel up and dry out for the final 51/2 mile push round Breydon water.

Monday, May 10, 2010

scale insects

I have just discovered that my lovely vine is covered in scale insects. I am familiar with the small furry white things found at the base of most ficus leaves but this little bugger is a new one on me - Parthenolecanium corni - an armoured brown structure which resembles part of the plant stem - very crafty. Have no fear - the answer lies not in a Liberal Democrat Alliance but in Horticultural Oil. Watch this space!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Dog agility

That's it - I've had enough! This is the last time that I take perfect Rosie to dog agility. Its a flippin nightmare. All she does it bark and growl at the other dogs and behaves in a completely different way to her normal demeanor which is passive and quiet. Isn't it strange how, like humans, we behave differently when out of our comfort zone. Dogs are not humans however and dogs are expected to conform to certain basic principles around pack behaviour. I'm sure there is some logic in there somewhere but it eludes me at this point in time.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Club Tour comes good

Well it was an exciting day with the Thorn Club Tour having its real first test on the lanes and byways of rural Norfolk. This feisty little number coped with the pressures well and I am happy to report that both cycle and rider arrived back safely after their 50 mile adventure. The other half also completed the task which is a fabulous achievement.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

precycle tension

Its 11.04 and I'm sat in bed contemplating the likelihood of finishing the Norwich 50 tomorrow morning in the pouring rain. Lets hope the forecasts are all wrong and the occasional shower is all we'll get.

Rain rain go to Spain
Don't let me have a soggy brain

Impressive eh!
Poet Laureate next I expect - is it a salaried post I wonder

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Art Website

Its taken some time in the preparation but finally I have got my website up and running. If you want to take a look its


The website has its own Blog where I will describe my journey through life as a series of images and comments. Hopefully I will also keep this Blog going as well but on past record this is unlikely!!

This is 'late morning sun' and depicts a field of Rosebay Willow Herb late in November.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

ripping it up

Found out how to rip a DVD this weekend. I think it took about 17 hours in total to rip and copy the disc to an ipod. I think I need a new computer!!